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About Me

I'​m an aspiring creator, with a passion for action and the extreme, I love getting outside and doing things that make me uncomfortable for things I'm passionate about. 

I grew up in Wellington, New Zealand admiring the architecture our windy city had to offer, in my holidays taking trips into rural NZ with boy scouts and venturers to capitalise on my love of the outdoors.  

I moved out of home at 17 to chase my dream of being a filmmaker and two years later I'm finally working on a consistent basis to make media products. My dream would be to get work within a producing and directing role for commercial or theatrical use. Either putting my arms to use lugging equipment or my brain for behind the scenes administration.

I'm currently working on my Bachelor of Screen Arts at Massey University Wellington whilst doing my best to help others in my customer service role in city council, as a residential advisor at halls of residence and as a soldier. All the while flexing my creative muscles writing scripts and planning Dungeons and Dragons campaigns for friends. 




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